The Texas Wine Industry boosts
Texas Economy by
– Economic Impact Study 2022
VineRoots—Positive Growth Through Legislative Action

The Texas Wine & Grape Growers Association provides access to an outstanding platform of advocacy tools for Texas wineries and grape growers, including the new VineRoots program.
VineRoots will prepare TWGGA members via educational action packs to cohesively promote the Texas wine industry during the next legislative session. Members can choose as few or as many of the individual activities they would like to conduct to contribute to this overall industry effort.
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VineRoots—Positive Growth Through Legislative Action

The Texas Wine & Grape Growers Association provides access to an outstanding platform of advocacy tools for Texas wineries and grape growers, including the new VineRoots program.
VineRoots will prepare TWGGA members via educational action packs to cohesively promote the Texas wine industry during the next legislative session. Members can choose as few or as many of the individual activities they would like to conduct to contribute to this overall industry effort.