Last Updated 2/9/2019
- The board meetings of the Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association are open to the public. The board reserves the right to enter executive session at any time.
- Visitors and board members alike will follow generally accepted guidelines for conducting meetings and making decisions set out in Robert’s Rules of Order.
- The meeting agenda is distributed to the Board of Directors 14 days prior to the planned meeting. Any person may request a copy of the agenda after it has been distributed to the board.
- Visitors to the board meeting who wish to address the board must request a spot on the agenda no later than 48 hours prior to the start of the board meeting.
- There will be seating for visitors available. There will be seating designated for board members only.
- Visitors who request a spot on the agenda will be invited to address the board as part of the agenda item, remarks by visitors. Each visitor will be allotted 5 minutes to address the board.
- Dining events surrounding the board meeting are open only to the board and their invited guest.